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Hotel Asmirandah

Jakarta, October 5, 1989

Asmirandah born in hotel Jakarta on October 5, 1989. Dara ayu started skyrocketed when starred in the film is this the taste? and LOVE SMU 2. After that the girl who was familiarly called this Andah starred in several soap operas such as mating Gantung, THE MEANING OF LOVE, COMPASSION LOVE, COMPASSION LOVE 2, YOU STILL LOVE, Wulan, HEAVEN-MU, BABY DOLL, and MELODY. Andah also been a Rexona ad star, Pangkey Chocolate, Chocolate Gery and Suzuki Spin.

Not only adept at acting in front of the screen glass, soap star SEKAR also begun to crawl into a director. For starters, Andah, name calling, video clips of the band will direct newcomers, Robin Hood.

Unmitigated, even Andah also a duet with Robin Hood and became a model in a single video clip Wrong Notices. hotel only on america

Currently, Andah is preparing his solo album. The plan solo albums AXE perfume commercials will be released in June 2009.

Hotel Ariel Peterpan

Nazril Irham
Pangkalan Brandan, North Sumatra, 16 September 1981

Early June, precisely June 3, 2010, Ariel porn video issues like tripping over themselves with Luna Maya is now a lover, and also Cut Tari.
After the circulation of pornographic videos like himself, Ariel had disappeared and suddenly went to Police Headquarters on Friday evening (06/11/2010) with Luna Maya to meet the call by the police. At that time Ariel came with the famous lawyer OC Kaligis and several bodyguards dressed in safari that sprightly Ariel protect journalists from the siege.
On the same day, Ariel is also reported to the Press Council because it is considered to obstruct the work of journalists and damaging one of camera cameraman Trans TV.
Monday (14/06/10), Ariel and Luna Maya is performed surprisingly appeared on evening news, TV One with Karni Ilyas.
On Tuesday morning (June 22, 2010) at around 3 am Ariel went to Police Headquarters, and Ariel ditetatapkan status as a suspect.
Ariel threatened because consciously layered article documenting the intimate relationship which later spread and become immoral action, with a minimum of 6-year prison sentence.
Further news states that the attorney Ariel, OC Kaligis Ariel entangled states in Article 4 of Law Number 44 Year 2008 on Pornography maximum jail penalty of 12 years, Article 282 of decency and Article 27 paragraph (1), Act No. 11 of 2008 on Information Electronic Transactions (ITE).
Some oencekalan against Ariel also occur in some areas, such as Bandung and Bangka. Despite these bans, the Peter and the Musica Studio states that they are still holding Ariel as a part of them. Some support to Ariel also continues to flow from fellow musicians and artists, as well as fans of Ariel, through various media, including Facebook and Twitter.
An examination of cases of suspected pornographic video with Ariel still continued, with the discovery of valid evidence, namely video-like Ariel, an expert witness, also 2 PCs that exist at the base camp Peterpan in Bandung, which contained images that support.
After a while languishing at Police Headquarters, on October 20, 2010, Ariel was transferred to the Detention Kebonwaru, Bandung. In Rutan, Ariel held in Block B, together with other detainees.
Ariel is planned to inhabit the holding cell Kebonwaru Bandung from October 20, 2010 until 8 November 2010, relating to court case which will be held in Bandung.
Ariel has been declared complete file alias P21 by the Attorney General. In contrast to his opponent's game, Dance Cut the entangled with the Emergency Act of 1951, Ariel is alleged to help spread the porn video he played himself.
This decision was based on the letters P-21 B 2165/E/II/EPP/X/2010 numbered, dated October 19, 2010, signed by the director at JAM Pidum prapenuntutan, I Ketut Pratana.
Ariel entangled with article 29 of Law No. 44/1978 on Pornography jo Second Penal Code article 56, article 27 paragraph 1 of Law No. 11/1978 concerning both ITE jo article 56 of the Criminal Code, and Article 282 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code jo article 35 of Law No. 44/1978 concerning Pornography.
On Monday (22/11), Ariel's first official trials. The trial was conducted in a closed and charged with violating Article 29 of Law Decree no. 44 year 2008 on Pornography Jo Article 56, fines of at least 6 months at the latest 12 years, and / or a fine of Rp. Maximum of 250 million USD fine. 6 billion.
In addition, the article alleged to Ariel's subsidiary which is Article 27 paragraph 1 jo article 45 paragraph 1 of Law Decree no. 11 In 2008 ITE penalty of 6 years of a fine of Rp. 1 billion. From all of this article, Ariel accused of intentionally spreading pornographic videos, and the trial will be continued one week later.
Looking back, the name Ariel is known as the vocalist of Peterpan is born with the name Nazril Irham in Pangkalan Brandan, September 16, 1981 of three brothers.
Related personal life, Ariel, who had studied at the University of Parahyangan, Department of Architects, was once married to Sarah Amalia, who still has family ties with DJ Winky Wiryawan. Their marriage was mired in controversy and media coverage. Amalia who was pregnant has claimed responsibility for Ariel to marry him. No less effort Winky Wiryawan also spoke at the media for 'urgent' father from Anata Alleia it.
Households man who had close to Luna star in the mid-2007 was facing crisis. Although not yet certain, the man who once attributed the breakup of households Andhara Early - Ferry ME, the accused has another woman of your dreams.
Divorce news they were getting stronger buzz late 2007, although Ariel always denied this. Finally in February 2008, Ariel officially filed suit for divorce-divorce for Sarah Amalia in West Jakarta Religious Court. The peak on May 27, 2008, both formally accept the decision of divorce.
Ariel widower status back closer relationship with Luna Maya, who is now a long relationship blossomed again. Yet they both dodged their closeness is defined as lovers.
Got news emerged, if Ariel widower status is now up for grabs are two beautiful women, between Luna Maya and singer Aura Kasih. However, this news was not too taken by Ariel.
After some time a widower, Ariel finally acknowledge his special relationship with Luna Maya, until the spread of pornographic video case both of them, also some other videos involving Ariel and several other beautiful women.
Name Ariel skyrocketed after the success as lead singer Shakira music group, along with other personnel, Andie Naliputra Wirahardja (Andie), Mohammad Kautsar Hikmat (Uki), Ilsyah Ryan Reza (Reza), Loekman Judge, and Indra.
It is said he brought the song Waiting in collaboration with Chris is his work while still sitting at the High School (SMU), before his best friend, Andi as the founder of Peter, then invited him to join the band. Ariel has ever been a student of Parahyangan University in Bandung, the more successful joint success Album Peterpan.
Besides music career, it was Ariel's start reaching the advertising world. Because the experience a little boredom, he began trying a new world for him. And the commercials to be his choice today. Ariel was the star of Sunsilk shampoo ad with Amy Lee's model.
Ariel began stifling preached been married to Luna Maya, Ariel finally in April 2009 finally began to admit that she was dating with Luna. Although he met with the mother of Luna, but Ariel has not wanted to take this relationship to the level of marriage.
After a solo career as an advertising star, this time, Ariel lined up to star as an icon of the Yamaha Music. Ariel contracted for 2 years. Where will Ariel must use the guitar from Yamaha and frontman of Peterpan is mandatory in the event coaching clinic.
The singer and the commercials, apparently still not enough for Ariel. Now he penetrated the world of acting, through his role on the big screen as an adult Arai in THE DREAMERS (2009). In this film, Ariel uses his real name, ie Nazril Irham.
Studio album
* Garden of Heaven (2003) * Stars in Heaven (2004) * Ost. Alexandria (2005) * Bright Day (2007) * A Name A Story (2008)
Other Albums
* Video Karaoke Peterpan - Sahabat Peterpan (2005)
Year 2002
* Rookie of the Year 2002 version Hi Magazine
Year 2004
* Group Newcomer Ter-Ngetop SCTV Music Award * Record MURI - Concert 6 Cities Marathon 24 Hour - July 18, 2004
Year 2005
* Best Favorite - Indonesian Artist MTV Asia Award - February 2005 * Pop Group Album SCTV Music Award Ngetop - May 2005 * Songs Most Ngetop, SCTV Music Award - May 2005 * Band Most Ngetop on SCTV Award - August 2005 * Best Album Sales Throughout the Year, the MTV Music Awards - September 2005 * Graphic design best album Star in Heaven AMI Awards 2005 - November 2005
Year 2006
* Best Favorite - Indonesian Artist MTV Asia Award - April 2006 * Pop Group Album SCTV Music Award Ngetop - May 2006
Year 2009
* Video Clips TerDahsyat "The Light", Fierce Award - April 2009 * Band TerDahsyat, Fierce Award - April 2009 * Best Songs of Rolling Stone magazine with the song "I told With Beautiful"

Ahmad Dhani

Dhani Ahmad Prasetyo
Surabaya, East Java, May 26, 1972


Ahmad Dhani, known as Dewa 19 frontman, songwriter and also as a record producer. The figure as a musician known for controversial and full of sensation, both in poetry and song the doings of daily life. The figure shown controversy over his song poems are 'too deep' and have a sense of bias to raise opposition.

Born in Surabaya on May 26, 1972, Dhani also never faced a problem when the album LOVE LASKAR drawn protests from Islamic hardliners. Father of three children is considered insulting for the use of logos that are considered sacred album. Although still feel a certain religion did not mean to harass, Dhani finally willing to make changes to the logo.

Men's full name Dhani Ahmad Prasetyo has also never complained to the Police by the author, Yudhishthira ANM Massardi, because they just copied the title of Arjuna Seeking Love which is used for one of the album title of Dewa 19. Despite the long feud, Dhani finally willing to apologize in the media and ends with peace.

Dhani now still exist with Dewa 19, although some time this has happened replacement personnel. Even further expanded with the flag of the Republic of Love Artist Management, which overshadow his new groups, The Rock, Dewi-Dewi, Snow White, Andra & The Backbone and Dewa 19 itself.

Dhani was married to Maya Estianty or popularly known as Maia Ahmad. From his marriage to a woman from Surabaya, they were blessed with three boys, named Ahmad Al Gazali, El Jalaluddin Rumi, and Ahmad Abdul Qadir Jilani. The names were taken from the names of Sufi figure who became the idol Dhani.

Dhani-Maia marriage began to crack after Maia increasingly popular with the Queen. Maia Dhani claims are too busy and neglect their children. After going through a long feud in the media and religious courts, they were officially divorced on September 23, 2008. Custody of their three children, Al, El, and Dul fall into the hands of Maia. For that decision, Dhani intend to appeal.

Although child custody fell into the hands of Maia, but until the third son of the results of this second marriage to Maia, still lives with Dhani.

Dhani ever reported by a telematics expert Roy Suryo relating to use of red and white flag on Dewa 19 video clip of this in February 2009, before the day of love became very popular in cyberspace. Along with the name of Mulan Jameela, became the most searched names on the internet.

Before the 2009 elections, many artists who ran as candidates (legislative candidates) and even some who intend to become president. Through the PKB party, the name Dhani be one candidate that will be filed as a candidate. However, Dhani prefer a career in music and take care of his three sons rather than take part in politics.

Coinciding with the 37th birthday that year, Dhani digaet by a British product, Lee Cooper to issue a special t-shirt, titled Lee Cooper - Ahmad Dhani Collaboration.

Early June, again Dhani have to deal with the law. Dhani's house rumored to be preached will be sealed by the City Government (City Government) DKI Jakarta, because they violate city planning. The house is located on Jl. Pinang Gold III, Block E1-2, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta that will begin to be sealed. Dhani was still reluctant to say, for reasons not yet received an official letter and still consults with his lawyer.

Dhani cold hand in producing new talent in the world of Indonesian music, deserves thumbs up. After The Virgin, this time turn the Moon. In addition there are other new bands. For that, Dhani released a compilation album titled New Beginning in 2009 in early June 2009. This album alone shows nine bands who take shelter under it, The Virgin, The Law, Lucky Boys, The Moon, Zewex & The Cuncuzna, Airplay, Rafflesia, Kamusuka, and Tiramizu.

Gossip relationship between Dhani and Mulan are already circulating for a long time. In August 2009, again widely heard these rumors. The trigger Dhani who said if he already has a new wife. And many people associate this new wife by the name of Mulan. Yet when it Dhani said jokingly. No one knew until now, about the truth of this news.

Mid-August 2009, Dhani back to being the spotlight. At that Dhani is not approved journalists who were interviewed Mulan was rebuked and dismissed the reporter of a television camera is private. But Dhani denied that the beating, and he is ready to serve the demands if any.

Started in 2010 opened with news search Dhani babysitter for her three children, Al, El and Dul which he placed in the ad a leading daily.

Agnes Monica in hotel california

Agnes Monica Muljoto
Jakarta, July 1, 1986

Hobby      :Ice Skate and Badminton

Weight Loss: 49 kg

Height     :165 cm



Indonesia should be proud for having one of the talented female artist whose real name is Agnes Monica Muljoto, better known as Agnes Monica public. Women who were born in Jakarta on July 1, 1986 is worthy of pride with all the talents, abilities and achievements are supported by the body semampainya with 165 cm tall and weighs 49 kg. Siswono and the couple's daughter Jenny has a hobby Ricky Suprapto ice skating and badminton on the sidelines dilakoninya busy as a singer, actress, commercials and presenters who practiced from an early age in 1990.

By launching her career, Agnes decided to not continue his studies at the University of Pelita Harapan, Department of Justice to take leave at the end of 2006. This does not mean that learning achievement Agnes is not brilliant, with a GPA of 3.67 who successfully achieved in the last semester. In mid-2009, Agnes pursue graduate studies at OSU United States with Programs Distance Education Programs Political Science. In addition to a brilliant academic achievement, personal life Agnes is also no problem, apart from some gossip about her relationship with Indonesia a few celebrities, such as Bams Samson, Afgan, and Rezky Aditya.


    * 1990

      Agnes Monica career in the field of entertainment can be said as one of the most successful, with all the accomplishments achieved since the beginning of his career in 1990 as a little child singer and presenter. At the age of 6 years, Agnes Monica has started climbing the career ladder by releasing several albums as a child singer, namely Si Meow, Yess and Bala-bala. Some of the TV show had brought it well, such as VAN (Video Children Anteve), Tralala-Trilili RCTI, Trans TV Diva Romeo. His best performances in some of these TV programs membuahkannya award as presenter of children's favorite in 1999.

    * 2001-2002

      At the age of adolescence, Agnes began merambahi acting by starring in soap operas Early marriage, which is a stone loncatannya to achieve popularity. Acting together Sahrul Gunawan membuahkannya several prestigious awards, the Most Popular Drama and Favorite Actress Award at the Panasonic 2001 and 2002. Career drag voice acting is also proximate to the brilliance of Agnes, the patron brought soundtrack Early marriage with the same title is also another single titled The Heart. Agnes also had a duet with singer Yana Yulio geeks on the song entitled Clouds and Waves.

    * 2003-2004

      In this year, Agnes Monica began to explore a career as an adult artist artist's image by changing some ciliknya. One way is to release his first adult album entitled And The Story Goes .. October 8, 2003. This album worked seriously with the involvement of several seasoned musicians and songwriters such as Ahmad Dhani and Joey Ayala. Agnes musical career and his first album led to success, she won three awards with AMI Awards 2004 as Best Solo Artist Pop, Dance Production Work / Techno Best Duo / Group, Best (on a duet with Ahmad Dhani). In addition, Agnes also won awards at the MTV Indonesia Awards 2004 as the Most Favorite Female. Award from abroad also afford him, such as Best Newcomer at the Anugerah Planet Muzik 2004 in Singapore. The album also reached double platinum with sales of more than 300,000 copies.

      In 2004, Agnes starred in several soap operas, like my girlfriend Jutek, Flowers Virgin, and Beautiful. Sinetron-sinetron is membuahkannya several awards such as Panasonic Awards 2003 Favorite Actress and SCTV Awards 2004 as the actress Ngetop.

    * 2005-2007

      Mature second album, entitled Agnes Monica Whaddup A'..?! released this year. Like the previous album, Agnes invites several veteran country musicians, like Dewiq, Joey Ayala, and Andi Rianto. On this album, Agnetha also had to collaborate with American international artist, Keith Martin, the song I'll Light a Candle. This album also brought Agnes to the success he achieved three trophies with AMI Awards as Best Female Solo Pop Artist, Best R & B Production, and Best Album Cover Design. Agnes SCTV Awards also bestow the award for Best Solo Pop Album. Some major awards also achieved multi-talented artist, such as Video Clips Favorite and Best Actress in a video clip on VMI Indonesia Without Love, the Most Favorite Female MTV Indonesia Awards, also Phenomenal New Generation Artists Music of Indonesia on Unity Award Artist, Singer, Song Creator , and Playground Music Recordings Indonesia (PAPPRI).

      In this year, Agnes also began to prove his international career by starring in Asian drama The Hospital in Taiwan in 2006. Although the role he played no major role, but Agnes has used these opportunities to act together with Jerry Yan, one of the F4 personnel. Agnes also had a chance to play on a few episodes of series Romance in the White House.

      On May 15, 2007, this beautiful artist also had a chance to pave the Boyz II Men concert at Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Unfortunately, his collaboration with Vanya, Maurice, and Shawn is scheduled to appear at the concert was canceled due to lack of preparation.

      Agnes also prove themselves in the social field as Ambassador Anti Drugs in Asia who are appointed by the DEA (Drugs Enforcement Administration) and IDEC Far East Region in 2007.

    * 2008-present

      In 2008, Agnes also had acting ability was tested with a soap opera starring Jelita. Agnes also sang the sountrack to this soap opera, with a song called Matahariku. Award as the Most Favorite Female MTV Indonesia Awards in 2008 also had achieved, as well as platinum award for the amount ringbacktone Matahariku which reached 1.5 million. Matahariku and Godai Single Again sold in limited CD single titled Nez. In late 2008, precisely in September 2008, Agnes was awarded as the Best Asian Artist and the Best Performance at Asia Song Festival 2009 in Seoul, South Korea.

      Year 2009 also led to several achievements to Agnes, with the release of single titled Keep on March 16, 2009. Agnes also released a third album titled Sacredly Agnezious on April 1, 2009. This album sold over 1 million copies, in addition, video clips Matahariku also reportedly been viewed more than 3,000,000 users of Youtube. Once again, Agnes is able to achieve success with meraik two awards from four nominations at the MTV Awards 2009, which is MTV's Artist of the Year, Favorite Female Artist MTV also for the fifth time. Agnes also once again represent Indonesia at the 6th Asian Song Festival 2009 with the song, entitled Temperature. On October 14, 2009, Agnes also donated talents perfectly in concert titled "Dancing Queen Andi Rianto direction, which is intended as a tribute to ABBA.

      In 2010, Agnes constantly spawn achievement by winning three awards AMI Award 2010 as best female solo artist, best album in the pop field, also the best album-best. Agnes did not release his social activities with the spokes person of the MTV EXIT (End Exploitation and trafficking) and LG Electronics Indonesia Ambassador for several years to come. Agnes also had a new single released in this year, titled Because I Could, which is the song Agnes own creation.

Soap operas and TV dramas

* 1999: Lupus Millennia
* 1999: Mr Hologram
* 2001: Early Marriage
* 2002: Amanda
* 2002: First Kiss
* 2002: Love Cloud
* 2003: my girlfriend Jutek
* 2004: Beautiful
* 2004: Virgin Flower
* 2005: Ku 'Wherever Love
* 2005: Romance In The White House (Taiwan Drama)
* 2006: Pink
* 2006: The Hospital (Taiwan Drama)
* 2006: Married Young
* 2008: Jelita
* 2008: Mass Wedding


2010 Brides Love


* 1990 VAN (Video Children Anteve)
* 1990-Trilili Tralala RCTI
* 1990 Trans Romeo Diva TV


* Jasjus 2002
* Z28 2006 Honda Vario
* Mineral water Ciryo 2007
* Two Rabbit 2008 Nuts
* Zinc 2009
* Nuts Atomic DK 2009
* Enervon C2010
* 3 2010
* 2010 Honda Genuine Parts
* Oops Olezzo 2010
* Oops cheese wafers 2010
Baca secara fonetik

Acha Septriasa in hotel Batam

Jelita Septriasa
Jakarta, September 1, 1989


Jelita Septriasa name or commonly known as Ne-yo dara ayu skyrocketed when it starred in the film HEART. Dropout cover girl of this 2004 foray into the world of acting through the film LOVE WHAT IT MEANS that appear as supporting players Sandy Aulia. But at that time the name Asha comes not so well known until the bids from Servia production houses to become one of the key players together Nirina Zubir and Irwansyah.

Beyond his acting career, music career couples daughter and Rita Emza Ahimsha Sagitta is even more shiny. By bringing the movie soundtrack HEART sung with her lover at the time, Irwansyah, who also co-star in the HEART, make publicly known the name Hotel Asha.

Not only in Indonesia, a girl born 1 September 1989 are also popular in Malaysia. Even the duet songs he brought with Irwansyah like Closer, My Heart and Lovers for Women, occupies top list in country radio.

February 2008, Asha left Indonesia to study in Malaysia. This then forced him to rarely meet with Irwansyah, apart from the rest of the world indeed Entertainment.

In the end the relationship and Irwansyah Acha previously always ends too intimate. The distance be a reason this pair breakup that occurred in July 2008.

Asha name became stuck on the end of 2008, for allegedly being behind the third person household kisruhnya Pasha and Okie. Although the press conference has been conducted related to this issue, but did not argue Pasha has given a special birthday gift to Asha, even now at the hands of Pasha is still kept by Asha.

Back Acha into the media spotlight in early April 2009. The photos looked like him, with the appearance of sexy and slightly Nudity circulated widely on the Internet. But it turns out, the photo is a photo-like her sister, Marsha Juwita, which is a new artist.

Lecture Asha lived in Malaysia turned out to be halted for a moment. This is because, Asha was finishing his solo album and be bound by contract to one story. Therefore, despite opposition from her parents, Asha tetep daring leave from college for the sake of existence in the world of entertainment homeland.

Remove from Irwansyah, Acha now in a relationship with a man who is not from the celebrities. However, Asha did not want to open the identity of her boyfriend who was studying in London.

Mid-August 2009, the star IN THE NAME OF LOVE This release new solo album. The album, titled DECISION HEART is a mini album, which contains only four songs, I wish What Else, About Us, Decision Heart, and My Fault You MOLESTER. Not just release a new album, in 2009 he also played in the movie comedy Krazy CRAZY KREZY.

Not only the acting and singing, Asha expanded into the world of the presenter. He became a presenter DAHSYAT didapuk replace Luna Maya who was on leave.

Starting 2010, the Kings opened with the release of his latest film, SSSSTT ... MAKE ME DEPOSITS. Here he lined up so the main character who was accompanied by Julia Perez, Ayu Azhari.

April 2010, Asha returned reap achievement. After going through the casting, this beautiful artist managed to get a chance to appear in the latest movie Hanung Bramantyo, through DREAM. Asha will be paired with Nuril Fedi, handsome actor starring in the hit movie Hanung Fahri earlier, LOVE VERSES. Asha dedicate this new role for a silver wedding anniversary of her parents.
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